I knew at a very young age that I was destined for something “Bigger” than just punching a time clock everyday. Does that sound strange? Or perhaps you know exactly what I mean? Not that there’s anything wrong with working for someone else, I just knew it wasn’t for me.
As I got into my teenage years, I grew irresponsible and couldn’t hold down a job. After the birth of my son, when I was only 20 years old, that changed. I had been given a violent shove into responsibility. After all, I had a kid now and I knew I wanted to be the father for my son that I never had myself.
Even after my girlfriend & I broke up, and she moved 4 hours away (with my son) that wasn’t going to stop me from being the best dad I could be. After a few years of dead end jobs, I decided to get my commercial drivers license and drive the BIG RIGS…haha. Fast forward 20 years and many different attempts at “Entrepreneurship”, I found myself frustrated and defeated. I mean, I was making a decent living as a Truck Driver, but I still had that fire inside. The feeling of not living up to my full potential. I just felt like I was so much more than I was currently demonstrating.
I remember stumbling across an ad on craigslist for a “make money from home” opportunity. I called about it, and a few days later I found myself sitting in a banquet room of a local restaurant watching a pitch for an MLM company. I was immediately drawn in. Not necessarily for the MLM opportunity, But the work from home lifestyle. In 2010 I started my quest in the MMO niche. After more research, I knew the MLM industry was not for me. Again, nothing wrong with the MLM industry, but I knew I didn’t want to deal with the attrition & constant need for recruiting and depending on your teams duplication for income. After more poking around online more, I soon discovered the Warrior Forum & Internet Marketing. After buying thousands of dollars worth of e-books, video courses, CPA courses, graphic packs, royalty free mp3’s….blah blah blah (you get the idea) I knew I needed something that most successful marketers had at one point….a mentor. It’s something I knew that if I really wanted to do it, I was going to have to invest in. Then I justified for years not doing it.
“Oh, I can’t afford that” or “It’s just too expensive”
“Well, then stop pretending to build a business” I told myself. You’re either going to do this, or you’re not going to do this. But, if you’re not, then just stop already. Stop paying for the autoresponder, domains, hosting, yearly updates for funnel building software…etc. I took more time to think about it long and hard. I realized the reason I never saw success is because I sabbotaged myself. I never allowed myself to follow a proven business model & be consistent.
Well my friends, that time is now. You are invited to follow my journey along with me. Or better yet, send me a message & ask me what it is I’m doing. You never know, you may just want to get involved yourself 🙂